Saturday, March 12, 2011

Panic of LP Gas Shortage: Panacea could be Fuel Briquettes

Women making Briquettes in Balambu, Kathmandu
It is not a new to have news of fuel shortage in Nepal. LP gas and Kerosene fuel imported from India are being extensively used not only in urban areas but also in rural areas. Obviously, they are more efficient and less polluting in compare to firewood fuel. But the problem is, they are not indigenous products hence have to depend fully upon India. Supply, pricing, quality control, for everything, the users are dependent in Indian Fuel market. In many of the cases, this dependence has been exploited in inter-governmental and internal politics.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Notes from Nabeel Hamdi's Lecture at NTNU

This article is just a compilation of the quotations of Prof. Nabeel Hamdi which I have been able to note in his lecture today. I've just put them as I scribe them in my notebook hence you'll not find it as an organized article. These quotations are really touching and inspiring hence I wanted to share with people who cares about these issues. Also slides and the video of lecture (somewhere in same topic) will be useful to you. I found three examples at the last section are very interesting, worth to think over. We may generate many discussion topics from the contents of this lecture. Please comment or add more idea on this to build on it as more useful resource.