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Sunday, February 20, 2011
Tao of Physics

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Motivation for running a Local Eco-club
Homemade solar water heater
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Extreme of Inflation: unbeilivable

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Get 1 Soap for providing 10 litres of urine
Get 1 Cleaning Brush for providing 30 litres
This sounds funny but very serious !!! - Could be a panacea for the Sanitation problem of cities."
A checklist for Eco-House

"7 secrets of sustainable architecture" an article in SPACES is an nice frame work to understand ECO-house design. In this link there more resource links so worth to refer it.
The following checklist is an list of substantive measures:
Insulating building envelop
1. SIP panels
2. Trombe wall construction
Locating different elements :
3. Trees as shading and microclimate
Renewable energy and resource use
4. Radiant floor heating: Solar energy systems has installed in Patan Hospital.
5. Solar water heater - Vaccum tube, simple home made pipe qoil
6. Solar PV cell
7. Rainwater harvesting
8. Geo-thermal energy - 125 ft down 55 degree temperature
9. Bamboo flooring – relatively far more renewable than wood – avoids loss of trees.
Use of recycled materials
10. Recycled content counter top
11. Use of briquettes as fuel
12. Demolition Material reuse
13. Recycled tiles for roof.
Replenish Natural Resource
14. Ground water recharge
15. Hardscape - permeable
16. Drain taken to the yard to recharge pits
Recycle waste – use as resource
17. Waste Separation
18. Disposal
19. Composting
20. Bio gas plant - household or Communal
21. ECO-SAN toilets - Urine collection, Feces composting, waste water reuse
22. DEWATS - composite of septic tank, biogas, reed bed treatment
23. Grey water flush
Resilience to disaster
24. Earthquake resistance.
Low energy and resource use
25. Low-Flow water fixtures
26. Energy Star Appliances
27. Microwave heater for cooking - no heat loss.
Building Material
28. Alternatives to brick - compressed mud brick, concrete blocks
29. bond of brick - Rat Trap Brick Masonry
Healthy Material
30. no-VOC paints
31. Avoid carcinogenic material like asbestos etc.
Ecological life style
32. urban Farming - kitchen garden, terrace garden, or farm
33. Plantation - ecologically designed landscape
34. Be Productive - No or less lawn
Settlement Planning
35. Compact planning
Urban Agriculture in Kathmandu

Spurred on by his own success, Budhathoki is promoting Shrijana to Nepali farmers. The company is supporting 50 farmers' groups in and around Kathmandu to grow Shrijana by providing free seeds, fertilisers and training on cultivation techniques
read more ... http://www.nepalitimes.com.np/issue/2011/02/16/Nation/17933
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A idea of creating Vlog or Blog on sustainable urban Development in Nepalese context.
Monday, February 14, 2011
An Idea of Eco-Tol
- Bagmati river is in the process of rapid degradation leading to unrepairable damage of public health and cultural life.
- The main features of degradation is water pollution and transformation in river morphology.
- Main cause can be pointed out to the rapid urbanization but more should be pointed to the inability of people to cope the rapid urbanization.
- Waste generation and disposal, water use and disposal, expansion of built up area took in such a conventional way that doesn't consider even a bit about the Holy river. I would say it an inability of the society to build on the cultural knowledge with respect to the changing circumstances.
- This has resulted disgusting state of the mother river of the city whereas rest of the population are living thirty.
- From fieldwork I gather ample amount of evidences which shows the traditional city dwellers still have strong personal and communal attachment to the river which they express through different cultural activities and traditions. Many traditions have been died out because of recent societal restructuring. But, still we have lots of informations about those traditions.
- The city dwellers interact with the river through some specific meeting points. Traditionally having some historical, religious and cultural significances, these sites were established as cultural sites. Locally, it is also called 'tirtha'.
- Along the through length of Bagmati and its tributaries, there hundreds of such site where some dozen site are prominent. Each of those sites hold a group of dweller as stakeholder who are connected culturally with the site and ultimately with river.
- In case of Shankhamul, those dwellers are living in the traditional city of Patan in cluster neighbourhood locally termed as 'Tol'. Though, the government admistration does not recognize this traditional spatial division, very strong sense of community lies in these Tols.
- Idea is to exploit the affection, culture, religion Tol-politics and general politics for the sake of improvements in Bagmati. This point outs to work with Tols units.
- To run a Eco-Tol Movement.
- Guita - accomodate 200 households and some 900 people. They have strong community feeling. They perform various social and community functions together. Traditionally they are united through a organization called 'Guthi' but these days new form of social organzaitons are proliferating such as cooperative, Tol Sudhar Samiti, Youth Clubs, Maa Pucha, Machaa pucha and Community Library.
- To give awareness program and skill development program base on these social formats to run environmental project themselves.
- Another opportunities I am seeing is, these tols area phisically very different that the newly developed area. They have big chunk of open public spaces in form of Lachhi, Nani, Bahal, Bahil, Pond, community Garden etc.
- These open spaces could be used as waste water treatment area and other environmental recycling and reusing fuctions.
- If these function could be run based on the notion that waste turning to asset, they'll run it very effectively.
- The motivation for them could be : Severe Water Shortage, and cultural connections to the Bagmati river.
- If this idea is absorbed, the model can be replicated to 50 such Tols in Patan and numerous (??? tols) in Kathmandu.
- New area could be addressed through similar but in differen model.
- Bio-Gas generation plant has be registered in Carbon trading (CDM kyoto protocol).
- Working in tol based strategies are not a fully new idea. Yala Urban Health Programme (YUHP) has formed THP volunteers (Tol health programme). They are serving for different health campaigns such as vaccination, child health and maternity health program.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
An Eco-House to Adapt oneself into Eco-friendly life style
A Eco-house : Elain Brook, an Photographer and Ecologist suggest to live environmental life exemplifier her own lifestyle.
- Rainwater harvesting for the garden pond accomodating frog and slug like creatures
- A kitchen garden growing fruits and vegetables.
- She dries the excess fruits and vegetable for future use.
- Composting.
- her car is vegetarian : runs from chip-oil i.e. the waste oil from the restaurant after frying the food for many times. Restaurant had to throw them because they are carcinogenic.
- Use of solar energy through a) Solar water heater, b) PV cells, c) Conservatory - tomato growing and warm living space (a glass house), d) wood burning stoves.
- Small Swimming pool covered with plastic or glass where water is heated by the excess water from solar panels.